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Andamento del prezzo dell’energia elettrica in Italia (PUN) e negli USA, dal 2020 ad oggi, con frequenza settimanale e mensile.

Media settimanale

Media mensile

PUN: Prezzo Unico Nazionale dell’energia elettrica, definito dal GME (Gestore Mercati Energetici): base (media giornaliera), picco (media dalle 8 alle 20, da lunedì a venerdì, festività escluse) e fuori picco (media nelle ore non di picco).

Electricity U.S.: Electricity per Kilowatt-Hour in U.S. City Average. Prices, except for electricity, are collected monthly by BLS representatives in the 75 urban areas priced for the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Electricity prices are collected for the BLS for the same 75 areas on a monthly basis by the Department of Energy using mail questionnaires. All fuel prices include applicable Federal, State, and local taxes; prices for natural gas and electricity also include fuel and purchased gas adjustments.

Media settimanale: nei 7 giorni precedenti la data nel grafico.

Grafici: Plotly


  • Gestore dei Mercati Energetici S.p.A.
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Average Price: Electricity per Kilowatt-Hour in U.S. City Average [APU000072610], retrieved from FRED (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis).
  • Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), U.S. Dollars to Euro Spot Exchange Rate [DEXUSEU], retrieved from FRED.

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Energia 2